Helpful Information
Frequently Asked Questions
Things to buy:

3/4 cup twice a day at 8 weeks old

24-30" Kennel
What is puppy eating, when and how much to feed?
Kirkland puppy food (blue bag) Buy at Costco or Amazon. Plan on feeding 1 cup twice a day when you first bring puppy home. If they don’t eat all of the food after 30 minutes take away and offer second meal in the evening. If pup has food all day they will poop all day too.
What kennel Size to buy?
I like a 30″ with a door on both the side and front and a divider. Buy at Wallmart or
What Does the Puppy come with?
A goodie bag including shot/wormer record, complete health exam, a blanket that smells like mom and siblings (use for the first few nights…keep sealed in a ziplock back during the day and place in kennel at night for comfort). A couple goodies, collar and a leash…maybe some added surprises too.
How do I introduce puppy to current pet?
Let puppy settle into new home for the first night and then introduce pup to new sibling with older sibling on a leash…older siblings can sometimes be unsure of sharing their attention so be sure to give them plenty of love and make having puppies in the home fun for both of them. EX: give both treats and extra love.
Vaccinations and can we socialize with other dogs:
Vaccinations are given at 6, 10, 14, and 18 weeks. Dry Canyon Pups will give the first shot, after the second shot puppy can socialize…before 2nd vaccination be cautious and only expos pup to dogs you know are healthy! Schedule your 2nd shot with a local vet as soon as possible. Calculate using puppy’s birthdate.
At what age should I spay/neuter?
For males I suggest between 8months to a year old to neuter. I like females to have at least 1 heat cycle and suggest spay time similar to males, 8-12months of age.
Dog play dates or doggy day care?
In my opinion these are optional. You are your dogs best friend and no need to spend extra money on these things. Your dog just wants to be with you….socialize by taking dog with you when you run your errands or visit your friends.
Puppy is sleeping a lot, should I be worried?
Puppies sleep A LOT! Remember they are growing…as long as they are acting normal and playful after napping, eating and drinking and not lethargic then assume nothing is wrong. Lethargic is when the pup has no drive, can’t pick head up or is not acting right.
Payment and Delivery/Pickup
What age can puppy join home: What if I need to pick up at a later age?
Our puppies are ready to join homes as early as 7 weeks. They are completely weaned and eating solid food by 5 weeks of age. Between 7-8 weeks old is ideal for AMD’s because they are looking for their new family and ready to start potty training and adjusting to a schedule. If you need to pick up your puppy after 8 weeks old we can hold for an additional $150/week and only until 10 weeks old.
Puppy is being delivered, what to know and bring to the airport for travel home:
Arrive 30 minutes before plane arrival and plan to meet just outside of where passengers exit security. Once connected with nanny then find a less busy space to receive and visit. In case time is limited be prepared for a quick drop off in order for nanny to catch a returning flight (flights can be delayed and unpredictable)…know that you can call/text/message/email Hailey at any time for answers or help. For drive home puppy can ride on your lap, I suggest a towel or blanket.
I'm picking up and driving home, what do I need?
Crate or laundry basket, a couple of towels/pee-pads, water dish.

How do I make final payment?
Final payment due on the day of pickup. We accept zelle, cash or check. If puppy is being delivered by a nanny payment is due 3 days BEFORE departure.
I'm flying to SLC and picking up puppy, what do I need?
final payment, an airline approved carrier, wet wipes, pee pads/towel, water dish, food in case of a delay in return flight, lavender oil (one drop on 2 pas every 4 hours or as needed to help soothe pup) and enough time to purchase a pet ticket (most airlines $125) so they can ride at your feet as a carry on. Dry Canyon Pups can provide a carrier and needed items for $100 if you desire this service…let us know 2 weeks in advance please.

What if puppy cries on the plane?
Airline rules are that pet remains in carrier at all times but you can sway with the pup while waiting in line or place your hand in the carrier to pet pup! Puppies sleep most of the duration fo the flight once you take off…but sometimes they don’t enjoy sitting and waiting (or being hot)…
Training Tips
Helpful Training Book:
Our puppies are ready to join homes as early as 7 weeks. They are completely weaned and eating solid food by 5 weeks of age. Between 7-8 weeks old is ideal for AMD’s because they are looking for their new family and ready to start potty training and adjusting to a schedule. If you need to pick up your puppy after 8 weeks old we can hold for an additional $150/week and only until 10 weeks old.

How should we use litter box?
Place litter box (can be any container 2″ tall or taller, a shoe bin works well, pups are used to a small plastic kid pool) in the area where the puppy will sleep and slowly add space from that area. When you first get puppy “limit” their space and freedom in you home…make them “earn space”…start potty training in an area where messes can be easily cleaned. Offer potty breaks every hour-two or as you see they nee. Always take out to potty 20-30 minutes after feedings. I like to set up a play area with an open crate at night where they have access to a litter box and water all night…but no food. By providing a litter box you will not need to wake up to take pup out to potty (allowing you a restful night-saving energy for puppy play and training during the day)…but the idea of litter box is to eventually eliminate it as their bladder and bowls get stronger and they can hold it through the night. Tat age varies but is usually between 4-5months old.

How to use Litter outside:
Litter (Animal wood bedding pellets PINE SCENT) can be used as a “magnet” or “lure” to help your pup establish a restroom area. Each time you take pup out to potty, sprinkle a little litter where you want them to do their business…after a week or two of this the pup will be trained to potty where YOU WANT. How you will rarely have to go on a poop hunt before mowing the grass or worry about your kids or guests stepping in feces.

can purchase at tractor supply, IFA or most country supply stores.
Puppy is crying in kennel, what to do:
Let pup “cry it out” for a few minutes…if you open the crate and let pup our when they cry you are rewarding them for crying. Puppies will have been exposed to the crate (wire crate) before joining your home and they will settle in if you just give them a little time.
What about Sending puppy off for Training?
YOU are the best trainer for the basic commands for your dog because YOU have the bond with your pup! AMD’s are very smart and love to please…sending a puppy to training to soon can create owner confusion for your pup. I advise to not send pup to any outside trainer until at least 6 months old of you desire…teaching sit, down, stay, heal, come and off are pretty simple really…all it takes is 15 minutes a day and love. Keep it simple and keep love at the root and you’ll be amazed what your pup will learn and do for you.
Squirt Bottle of Water:
In some cases a squirt of water can be all a puppy needs to stop barking, biting, or doing any unwanted behaviors…not a method I have personally used but one that several trainers use.
Lavender Oil
I like lavender oil and use it for the first week or introducing puppy to new home and new night time routine. Just a drop on 2 paws at night (rotate front and back paws) or any time you need pup to be in crate longer than 3 hours and it will help calm them. Can also be used when goin to experience something new. EX: groomer, fireworks, etc.
Grooming Tips
Although your pup may not need a bath, I advise a bath every 2 weeks for the first 2 months to get the puppy used to your style and space for bathing. I like an oatmeal base pet shampoo (Hartz from Wallmart).

nail trimming:
Trim or use a nail grinder as needed. Young kids do not want to play with a puppy that has sharp nails. I suggest weekly and it should take less than 5 minutes.
Brush at minimum once a week. Start with the feet, behind the ears and butt because these areas will mat the faster. Then move to the back and sides…you can use a detangled spray and the doodle

first haircut:
first haircut from a groomer I suggest at 6 months old and only a puppy trim…don’t shave short! Before that you can scissor trim the wild hairs.